
Join us for Global Donut Days 2024 online day

Global Donut Days (GDD) is a community-led festival from 6 to 9 November 2024 to celebrate and inspire local action and global connection with Doughnut Economics.

Wednesday, 6th November is the online day. During the online day you can hear from inspiring speakers and connect with people around the world who are taking action on Doughnut Economics.

For more information about the Global Donut Days on 7, 8, 9th November go to https://doughnuteconomics.org/globaldonutdays2024

Watch the video from the first GDD - featuring in-person and
online events around the world in one day!

What to expect

Spanning time zones from Aotearoa / New Zealand to the West Coast of the Americas, the online day will contain a mix of keynote talks, panel events and connection spaces on key topics including community organising, business design, government policy design, educational materials, artistic methods, value systems, marginalisation and climate justice.

There will be presentations and workshops from community organisers as well as live ‘Local Spotlights’ to hear from people calling in from around the world to talk about their local action on Doughnut Economics.

Why Attend?


Tools and ideas to start
Are you looking for a reason or support to start local action with Doughnut Economics where you are? The online day will help spark ideas and give you the springboard you need. You'll hear from inspiring speakers, learn about the tools to get started and connect with those already taking action.


Inspiration to take the next step
Are you looking to take the next step with Doughnut Economics? The online day will give you inspiration for new things to try, ideas for how to connect with new audiences locally and create a sense of global solidarity in the systemic tensions you may be navigating.


Connect with the global Community
Are you looking to connect with others? Throughout the online day there will be spaces to connect with people around the world to share your questions, stories, ideas and more. You are not alone in your work. We are all part of a wider and emerging story of change - a story that says a different future is possible and it’s popping up everywhere. This is your chance to make yourself visible and be part of it.

Quotes from Global Donut Day 2023 organisers

Record your own Local Spotlight

The central theme of Global Donut Days 2024 is local action, global connection. Through this, we can build a sense that we are all part of a wider story of change.

To help do this, we’re inviting you to talk about your local action with Doughnut Economics. We're calling these Local Spotlights.

Send your recordings via WhatsApp to the DEAL Team at +44 7774 760 861. We invite you to record in any language. The Local Spotlights will be shared as part of the online day on 6th November.


Global Donut Days is co-designed and co-created by pioneering and inspirational members of the global DEAL Community. The online day is no exception. The agenda has been co-created with contributions from dedicated practitioners around the world, and more will be added soon. Watch this space.

Viewing times in HDT. Change timezones


November 6, 2024 00:00 to

How has Doughnut Economics been applied across Aotearoa?

Deputy Mayor Laurie Foon
Wellington City Council

Councillor Sophie Handford
Kapiti Coast District Council

Teina Boasa-Dean
Ngāi Tūhoe Doughnut Creator

Dr Naomi Pocock
Doughnut Economics Advocate

Kate Meyer
Founder and CEO or Planetary Accounting Network

Helene Malandain
Co-founder of Pocketknife, Social Enterprise World Forum Chair and Doughnut Advocate

Join our session to learn how Doughnut Economics has been applied to places and communities across Aotearoa and discuss new possibilities.

Co-hosted by our Director, Gareth Hughes, and Helene Malandain from Pocketknife, our event features amazing speakers from across Aotearoa who have experience applying the Doughnut.

We will also screen a new animation of Doughnut Economics through a te ao Māori lens produced by Project Moonshot City Juhi Shareef and Teina Boasa-Dean.

There will be time for discussion and for participants to share their stories of using, adapting, and downscaling the Doughnut. We can’t wait to hear these, and we hope that this event will help to connect the dots, make new economic possibilities visible, and inspire others to act.

Passcode to join: 681064

November 6, 2024 07:00 to

Bridging Local and Global Through Donut Economics

YoungSook Park
Founder, Head of Neutinamu Library

Woori Han
Member of Breeze Between Us

Ssembatya Hikimah
Founder of African Visual Artists Associates

Pascal Park
Education Board Game Cooperative / Director / Game Development & Marketing

Sangchul Shin
Songol Surisuri Recycling Center

Kyungmin Lee

Seonjin Kwak
Director of Neutinamu Library

In this session, we will introduce the diverse activities of three local communities at Neutinamu Library and explore global connections: 

Songgol SuriSuri Recycling Centre: Highlights local circular economy practices and community solidarity through resource sharing. 

Breeze Between Us (BBU): A self-help group dedicated to supporting families with autism through art activities. They will present their collaborative project with AVIAS (African Visual Artists Associates), called Mindframe. In this partnership, BBU and AVIAS engage in Mindframe Works, collecting words that capture the interest of children and sharing their experiences and insights.

Doughnut Economics-Themed Board Game Makers: Featuring the development of a Doughnut Economics-inspired board game by local enthusiasts, highlighting the creative process and community-driven approach behind the game’s design.

November 6, 2024 08:00 to

Wellbeing policy impact assessment for a regenerative and distributive future

Margreet Frieling
Knowledge co-Lead, Wellbeing Economy Alliance, with a specific focus on public policy.

Sacha McMeeking
Associate Professor of Māori Wellbeing, University of Canterbury

Dasho Lhatu
Executive Director, Gross National Happiness Center Bhutan

Nathalie Le Meur
Doughnut Project Manager, City of Grenoble, France

Come to learn and share how to better assess policy impacts to help create more regenerative and distributive economies.

Drawing on examples from Bhutan, New Zealand and France, this session explores how more holistic policy impact assessments can guide policy makers in designing policies that are more conducive for ecologically regenerative and socially distributive economies. It will introduce five overarching considerations for (prospective) policy impact assessments through a wellbeing economy lens and provide inspirations to get started in redesigning or strengthening policy impact assessments based on different contexts and needs. It will also offer a sneak peek into a new policy training course that can help political entrepreneurs put new economic thinking into practice.

November 6, 2024 08:30 to

Doughnut Economics Games Gathering and Community Launch

Rok Kranjc
Researcher and artist, Futurescraft

Explore games for alternative economies, learn about the Doughnut Economics Games Group, and help shape its future.

We’ll start with an introduction to games and play within the context of furthering alternative economic paradigms, exploring various design approaches, games and initiatives. Following this, we'll present and officially launch the Doughnut Economics Games Group, an experimental platform for discussing and co-creating games that reflect Doughnut Economics principles. Finally we’ll open the floor for peer presentations of game ideas and concepts, as well as a discussion on the group’s future—sharing thoughts on its needs, potential offerings, and ideas for activities.

November 6, 2024 08:30 to

Sectors Meet the Doughnut - Sector transformation through three initiatives

Ilektra Kouloumpi
Senior Global Doughnut Expert

Rebecca Cooper
Coordinator ACAN Climate Literacy Working Group

Kasper Guldager Jensen
Co-Founder Home.Earth

Vincent MacDonald
Coordinator ACAN Climate Literacy Working Group

Kristin Strandberg
Cities Strategist, Circle Economy

Matt Philips
(Cornwall Council, Highway Asset Manager), Wessex Live Lab

Join us to explore how 3 initiatives are using the Doughnut to transform urban planning, construction  & highways sectors.

As the Doughnut model gains traction in various cities, communities, and businesses, interest grows in applying it to different sectors. 

Transforming an entire sector is complex, and effective implementation of Doughnut Economics requires sector-specific strategies. 

This 1-hour webinar showcases three innovative initiatives—Highways Doughnut, Doughnut for Urban Development, and Material Doughnut—each designed to develop tailored tools for design, material selection, and project impact assessment in urban settings. 

The session will feature presentations followed by audience discussions, culminating in a moderated dialogue about the challenges and opportunities in applying Doughnut Economics across specific sectors, with an open floor for audience questions.

November 6, 2024 10:00 to

Keynote - Doughnut Economics: reflecting on five years of turning ideas into action

Kate Raworth
Author of Doughnut Economics, DEAL’s co-founder and Conceptual Lead

Carlota Sanz Ruiz
DEAL’s co-founder and Strategy Lead

Doughnut Economics Action Lab was launched five years ago and since then an incredible community of pioneers and practitioners has emerged, exploring and demonstrating what it could mean to turn the concepts of Doughnut Economics into practice.

In this session Kate and Carlota - DEAL’s two co-founders - will invite us all to celebrate what the DEAL community has collectively achieved over these past five years. We’ll explore and reflect on the many ways that people have been getting started, and also on how we can respond when feeling stuck. We will also hear from community members worldwide who will be hosting an array of fascinating events throughout Global Donut Days.

November 6, 2024 11:15 to

At what cost? Exploring alternative value systems shaped by real life

Rebecca Lee
(she/her/they/them) Founder of the Universal Recognition Movement | Design Researcher | Visiting Lecturer GSA The School of Innovation & Technology | Equity & Accessibility Lead - DEAL GDDs

Jenny McGibbon
(she/her) Case Study Contributor UR (Alba Hub) Member | Founder This Thing They Call Recovery | Freelance Graphic Designer | Accessibility Consultant |

Max Phillips
(he/him) Case Study Contributor Universal Recognition Alba Hub Member | Graduate Product Designer | Aspiring Service Designer

Vinishree Solanki
Organiser of Doughnut Economics Scotland Network, with practice in Social Innovation for social impact and Planet-Centered Design

A joyful practical workshop where creatives from the Universal Recognition movement will guide us in exploring fairer alternatives to problematic economic value indicators such as GDP. This will be an opportunity to explore and be inspired by imaginative and fairer value systems created by Disabled and marginalised communities. This will be a playful journey of discovering what we truly value within our households, communities, organizations and local areas. The session will help connect the wider Doughnut community with UR’s work. Together, we will start to imagine new tools that truly capture what is important when producing and providing for one another.

November 6, 2024 11:30 to

Local Governments and Doughnut Economics - Session 1

Elsbeth Visser
Senior Strategic Policy Advisor for Sustainability, City of Amsterdam, Netherlands

Yuge Lei
Sustainability Manager, City of Bad Nauheim, Germany

Paul Vanderstraeten
Project Leader, Brussels Donut, Belgium

Charlotte Wallace
Sustainability Group Manager, City of Glasgow, Scotland

Jo Winterbottom
Senior Research Fellow, University of Glasgow, Scotland

Maisarah Faiesall
Head of Policy, Strategy and Advocacy, Sunway Centre for Planetary Health, Ipoh, Malaysia

Leonora Grcheva
Doughnut Economics Action Lab

Dr. Zulqarnain Mohamad
CEO, Ipoh Doughnut Economic Centre

Five local governments share their work with Doughnut Economics: Amsterdam, Bad Nauheim, Brussels, Glasgow and Ipoh.

There is no single way to work with the ideas of Doughnut Economics in local government. Practitioners from around the world have been experimenting, innovating, and taking very different pathways. In this session we get to hear five different journeys - how they started, what the main areas of work have been, what they’ve achieved and learned along the way. The experiences of these changemakers are also captured in DEAL’s now updated Cities & Regions: Let’s Get Started guide, that offers different ways to get started, many examples from practice, and 12 in-depth case-studies, as well as key tools and resources.

November 6, 2024 11:30 to

The EU transition to a wellbeing economy in a global context

Junior Policy Analyst, Institute for European Environmental Policy (IEEP) and Research Lead for the project.

Antoine OGER
Research Director, Institute for European Environmental Policy (IEEP) and coordinator of the project

During this session, we invite global participants to exchange on the opportunities and challenges associated with the EU transitioning towards a wellbeing economy.

The Institute for European Environmental Policy (IEEP) is working with the Green European Foundation (GEF) to gather insights on how ideas about economic system change for people and the planet can be integrated into EU policies.

Bringing together perspectives including wellbeing economics and doughnut economics, and a knowledge community of actors from the EU policy space and beyond, the project aims to outline state of play and emerging proposals in a range of thematic clusters: from aligning with planetary boundaries to measuring what matters. During this session, the IEEP will share insights from this ongoing work and invite participants to provide their feedback.

This session is happening in the Open Space at the Government & Policy table

November 6, 2024 12:30 to

Presentation of the dynamic update of our City Portrait of Milton Keynes (MK)

Jane Whild
University Administrator

Sheila Thornton

Georgina Hodgkinson
A software engineer and consultant; founder and technical lead for MKDE.

Paul Clarke
Data Analytics Specialist. Demonstrator development lead.

Rob Couch
Founder of MKDE. Portrait and data lead

A year since we launched the MK City Portrait, take a sneak peek of our updated interactive web version and catch up on what’s happening in our network.

Last year we took design ideas from other groups and produced The First Doughnut City Portrait of Milton Keynes and Good News Stories of MK that we unveiled at an event on GDD 2023.

This year, we will give a sneak peak of our Doughnut City Portrait – an evidence-based dashboard in development - featuring data snapshots and stories of grassroots initiatives, and look ahead to the coming year’s action.

Our broadcast will be part of a Watch Party held in-person in the Spotlight Room at Cranfield University’s MK:Innovation Hub, in the centre of Milton Keynes. The room is next to a co-working space for local businesses. We invite people to watch the DEAL broadcasts, and watch our group make our presentation.

This session is happening in the Open Space at the Communities and Art table

November 6, 2024 12:45 to

Navigating through the Doughnut: Overcoming systemic barriers to action (passcode to enter meeting: 647346)

Peter Lefort
Facilitator of the Doughnut Economics Community of Practice, University of Exeter

Emi Imai
Founder of Boro Doughnut, a community organisation in Middlesbrough

Jemma Luck
Co-founder of Re-Imagine Norwich, community organisation exploring Doughnut Economics in Norwich

We often experience similar barriers when we bring Doughnut Economics into new spaces. How could we do it differently?

Join Boro Doughnut, the Norwich DE Group, and the Buy-in Bakery DE Community of Practice to explore and discover some of the systemic barriers that come up when bringing Doughnut Economics to a place or organisation. Work through a collaboratively developed model using risk and resilience to frame the Doughnut in a new way, building from DEAL’s principles. Take away ideas to test in practice and then share with the growing community of Doughnut Economics practitioners around the world.

The passcode to enter this meeting is: 647346

November 6, 2024 13:00 to

The Mindframes (Kutunza Shayari Yetu): working with refugee settlements in Uganda

Ssembatya Hikimah
Founder, Visual and creative strategist, participation specialist and climate change activist.

Akatukwatsa Collins
Founder, Aliferous Universe foundation.

Deborah Curtis
Creative director, Imagining UK and Africa.

Jonathan Burnes
Founder, Education for Diversity teacher researcher at Canterbury Christ Church University

Bayigga Eunice Deborah
Lawyer, Beaver Advocates, humanitarian and writer.

Munyanganizi brian
Founder Jaymuart, creative and managing director AVIAS

Tumuhimbise Eric
Teacher, Deputy Head teacher, Rwamwanja, Focal Person for the Mindframes.

Kyungmin Lee

Kutunza shayari yetu means, taking care of our planet. Our session will be about sharing our work with the Doughnut by show of our recent work with refugees in form of a short film accompanied with a panel discussion.

We shall have a series of activities i.e a presentation from our doughnut Uganda team, our work within refugee settlements in Uganda, our objectives impacts and lenses we focus on. A presentation of our research, its aims and objectives and future plans of our work with doughnut economics. Presentation of a good life inside the Doughnut through our short film.

November 6, 2024 14:00 to

Doughnut Economics for Business and Investors

Erinch Sahan
Doughnut Economics Aciton Lab

Annika Schneider
Purpose Stiftung gGmbH

Curt Lyon
Transform Finance

Margo Dalal
Seed Commons

David Lidz
Appalachian Field Services

Stephan Schenk

Laura Höcherl
Purpose Evergreen Capital

Doughnut Economics introduction for businesses, and a panel of investors and businesses on challenges and opportunities.

This session is for anyone interested in what Doughnut Economics means for businesses. It includes an introduction to the topic, covering key concepts, tools and DEAL processes.

The session will then move onto two panel discussions to explore the journey of enterprise redesign - a central way that Doughnut Economics applies to businesses. These are: 1. on steward ownership, facilitated by Purpose Economy; 2. on employee ownership, facilitated by Transform Finance. In these panels, investors and entrepreneurs will together explore challenges and opportunities related to enterprise redesign.

November 6, 2024 14:30 to

A Global Story of Change: how can nations get into the Doughnut?

Andrew Fanning
Research & Data Analysis Lead at Doughnut Economics Action Lab, and Visiting Researcher at University of Leeds (UK) and University of Cadiz (Spain)

Jayati Ghosh
Professor of Economics at the University of Massachusetts Amherst, USA

Morena Hanbury Lemos
Doctoral candidate in ecological economics at the Autonomous University of Barcelona (ICTA-UAB), Spain

Xi Ji
Associate Professor at the School of Economics at Peking University, and a Senior Research Fellow at the Center for Human and Economic Development Studies

Kate Raworth
Author of Doughnut Economics, DEAL’s co-founder and Conceptual Lead

Julia Steinberger
Professor of Ecological Economics at the University of Lausanne

Perspectives on distinct but interconnected pathways into the Doughnut for Brazil, China, India, and the United States.

No country in the world is currently living in the Doughnut and many are far from it - so what will it take for nations to start moving towards it? In this session we hear perspectives from leading scholars in four very different national contexts - Brazil, China, India, and the United States - on what they think it will take for their nation, and the world, to move towards a thriving future.

November 6, 2024 15:00 to

Community Think Tank at 49, North Street

A live-streamed conversation in Ireland around action steps to improve our local economy, community, mental health.
The public conversation is about "what makes us thrive" as individuals and as a (wider) community from the underlying perspective of doughnut economics, its practice, and principles. Tools like Four Lenses / Stepping into the Doughnut will be adapted to local circumstances. The event will take place at 49, North Street, a creative mental health space that embraced doughnut economics some years ago and is now engaging with Ireland's National Health Service (HSE). Some local groups (Ballydonut, West Cork for Palestine, TimeBank, Ludgate), business people, and artists will be specifically invited to make for lively interactions, but everyone is welcome.

November 6, 2024 15:45 to

Marginalised leadership on Climate and Economic Justice: a panel discussion

Nani Jansen Reventlow
Founder of Systemic Justice, the first Black-led, majority BPOC organisation in Europe working to radically transform how the law works for communities fighting for racial, social and economic justice.

Ink Asher Hemp
(they/them) is a multidisciplinary artist and (trouble) maker, informed by queerness, disability justice, collective imagination and accessibility

Rebecca Lee
(she/her/they/them) Founder of the Universal Recognition Movement | Design Researcher | Visiting Lecturer GSA The School of Innovation & Technology | Equity & Accessibility Lead - DEAL GDDs

Vinishree Solanki
Organiser of Doughnut Economics Scotland Network, with practice in Social Innovation for social impact and Planet-Centered Design

Kim Simpson
Head of Equalities, Diversity & Inclusion at Creative Scotland, and provides strategic leadership for the specialism in support of Creative Scotland’s Strategic Framework

Marginalised community leaders from the Universal Recognition - Disability Justice, CULTIVATE’s Climate Justice, and Systemic Justice Movements highlight the important connections between the global majority and Disabled perspectives and climate justice work. The panel discussion will raise awareness around different placed-based issues including Scotland, disability, and impact of climate change to the global majority. We will start to explore how equitable leadership and funding have a major role in tackling the global challenges we face.

November 6, 2024 16:00 to

Local Government and Doughnut Economics - Session 2

Nathalie Le Meur
Doughnut Project Manager, City of Grenoble, France

Stefan Persson
Strategic Developer, Municipality of Tomelilla, Sweden

Emma Williamson
Policy Specialist, Cornwall Council, UK

Diane Imbert
Manager, Impact Assessment and Transition, Fabrique d’enterprises de territoire (Valence Romans Agglo), France

Ting Pan
Sustainability Manager, City of Nanaimo, Canada

Leonora Grcheva
Doughnut Economics Action Lab

Five local governments share their work with Doughnut Economics: Grenoble, Tomelilla, Cornwall, Valence Romans, Nanaimo.

There is no single way to work with the ideas of Doughnut Economics in local government. Practitioners from around the world have been experimenting, innovating, and taking very different pathways. In this session we get to hear five different journeys - how they started, what the main areas of work have been, what they’ve achieved and learned along the way.  The experiences of these changemakers are also captured in DEAL’s now updated Cities & Regions: Let’s Get Started guide, that offers different ways to get started, many examples from practice, and 12 in-depth case-studies, as well as key tools and resources.

November 6, 2024 16:00 to


Katy Shields
Post-Growth Economist and Founder, Doughnut Wien

Laura Maria Wallnöfer
Postdoctoral Researcher in Sustainable Transition and member, Doughnut4Wien Initiative

An online information, feedback, and networking session for people who want to learn about the Doughnut4Wien Initiative, including ways to support us or get involved.

Following the success of the Beyond Growth Austria Conference 2024, co-organised by Doughnut Wien and supported by the City of Vienna, we have set a goal to make Vienna a city where its citizens can thrive within planetary boundaries. At this event, hosted by Doughnut Wien, a collective of individuals working to make Vienna a “Doughnut” city, we will create an interactive open space to share our visions and ideas about the initiative among interested individuals and organisations.

November 6, 2024 17:15 to

Rooted in Culture: Community and Connection

Eva Valencia Lenero
Tricolor Coalition

Sujay Hammannavar
Jagriti Enterprise Centre

Xavier Veciana
Cofounder Donut Brasil (Salvador)

This panel event explores the importance of culture in designing resources, spaces, and support systems for communities in the Global Majority world.

November 6, 2024 17:30 to

Taking Doughnut Economics to Schools and Education: How to get started!

Carolina Escobar Tello
Schools and Education Thematic Lead, Doughnut Economics Action Lab

Kate Raworth
Author of Doughnut Economics, DEAL’s co-founder and Conceptual Lead

Marleen Boersen
Program Manager Education at MasterPeace

Doughnut Revolution
Jayden N, Brandon W, Jason Z, Cindy J, Ethan N (Dulwich College Beijing)

Catherine Ho
Dulwich College Beijing

Vicky Donnelly
Financial Justice; Ireland

Laura Guadiana
iexplore school, Mexico

Brainy Swaibu
Spectrum Secondary School, Kyangwali Refugee Settlement, Uganda

Join us to celebrate the new Doughnut Economics foundational tools recently launched for Schools and Education.

Hear from teachers and learners around the world who are already using them and get started in your own place! 

November 6, 2024 18:00 to

Mobilizing for Doughnut Economics Across Actors in Norway

Thomas Røkås
Network Doughnut Economics Norway. Board Member

Arild Vatn
Network Doughnut Economics Norway Board Member

Bjørn Hauger
Network Doughnut Economics Norway. Board Member.

Ellen Sjong
Network Doughnut Economics Norway Leader of the Board

Arne Øgaard
Network Doughnut Economics Norway Board Member

Ellens Stenslie
Board Member, European Society for Ecological Economics

Many in Norway are already embracing Doughnut Economics, and now it's your turn to join the conversation! We're inviting individuals, organisations, and curious minds to a dynamic workshop designed to share experiences, inspire new ideas, and mobilize action across Norway. Whether you're already working with Doughnut principles or just beginning your journey, this is the perfect opportunity to become part of the national and international Doughnut movement.

November 6, 2024 18:30 to

Unveiling the California Doughnut Snapshot: Process, Insights, and Future Pathways

Alaitz Aritza
The California Doughnut Economics Coalition

Julian Kraus-Polk
The California Doughnut Economics Coalition

Della Duncan
The California Doughnut Economics Coalition

Michael Mezzatesta
Special Guest

Stephanie Luz Cordel

Indy Rishi Singh

Join the California Doughnut Economics Coalition for an engaging presentation as they reveal their highly anticipated California Doughnut Snapshot, a visual and analytical tool designed to assess California's ecological and social well-being within the framework of Doughnut Economics. Learn more and register here - https://givebutter.com/KnN1ia

November 6, 2024 19:00 to

Doughnut Economics for University Courses (Passcode to enter meeting: 306065​​​​​)​​

Ross Cathcart
Associate Director / Rethinking Economics International Staff Team

Anusha Chandra
Post-Crash Economics Society

Kate Raworth
Author of Doughnut Economics, DEAL’s co-founder and Conceptual Lead

Meenal Srivastava
Professor and coordinator of Political Economy and Global Studies at at Athabasca University

Valentina Garzón
Economiá, Ambiente y Alternativas al Desarrollo

Jacob Rask
Roskilde University and Director of Regenerative Built Environment Network at BLOXHUB

Rethinking Economics International and Doughnut Economics Action Lab are launching a new set of resources to inspire students, academics and teachers of all kinds. These materials are designed for use by any university lecturer, student and educator wishing to bring the concepts and perspectives set out in Doughnut Economics into their economics teaching and learning. The event will involve the first release of the new materials as well as a discussion with student and academic voices on how they might be used and the launch of a new student campaign to bring these resources onto the curriculum.
The passcode to enter this meeting is: 306065

November 6, 2024 20:00 to

Donut Brazil: a journey of stories and “borogodonut”

Ana Lavaquial
Cofounder Donut Brasil (Rio de Janeiro)

Xavier Veciana
Cofounder Donut Brasil (Salvador)

Roberta Alvarenga
Founder Instituto Repense (Lençóis Paulista)

Elizabeth Bile
Communications Donut Brasil (SãoPaulo)

Simone Catalan
Founder Jogo da Colaboração (Belo Horizonte)

Ana Celina Tiburcio
Founder Organa (São José dos Campos)

Joelma Magela
Founder Catadora de Brilhos (Contagem)

Share Donut Brazil's group journey so far, plans ahead and activities for GDD 24

A 40-minute online panel providing an overview of the three-year journey of the Donut Brazil group, its activities, and challenges in converting the enthusiasm of its volunteers and the ideas of Donut Economics into transformative actions for people and territories. The event will feature testimonials from local organisers of the GDD, spread across more than 10 Brazilian cities, offering a sneak peek of their upcoming events in the following days.

November 6, 2024 20:15 to

Doughnut as a Compass for Built Environment Transitions

Jacob Rask
Roskilde University and Director of Regenerative Built Environment Network at BLOXHUB

Catriona Rawsthorne
Doughnut Economics Researcher, CIVIC SQUARE

Kavita Purohit
Doughnut Economics Co-Lead, CIVIC SQUARE

Join the team from CIVIC SQUARE (Birmingham, UK) and BLOXHUB (Copenhagen) for an interactive session on using the Doughnut Economics framework as a strategic tool for reimagining our homes, streets and neighbourhoods to collectively steward ecologically safe and socially just places.

November 6, 2024 21:45 to

Using Strategic Doing to nurture local action as part of a global network

Gayle Dallaston
Regen Brisbane and Shady Lanes Project (Australia)

Kyungmin Lee

Ed Morrison
Strategic Doing Institute

See how small local activities can build the collaboration skills and interconnecting networks needed for innovation.

In this session, Gayle from Regen Brisbane in Australia and Kyungmin from Y-DONUT (Yongin Doughnut Economics Coalition) in South Korea will give a presentation on how we are using the Strategic Doing methodology to create loose, interconnecting networks (from small local initiatives to global networks) with a common purpose. 

We support and learn from each other to create localised projects and form innovative collaborations with minimal funding.

We will be joined by Ed Morrison from the Strategic Doing Institute for a Q&A. 

Additional materials will be available in the resources section and our websites.


Margreet Frieling

Knowledge co-Lead, Wellbeing Economy Alliance, with a specific focus on public policy.

Sacha McMeeking

Associate Professor of Māori Wellbeing, University of Canterbury

Dasho Lhatu

Executive Director, Gross National Happiness Center Bhutan

Elsbeth Visser

Senior Strategic Policy Advisor for Sustainability, City of Amsterdam, Netherlands

Yuge Lei

Sustainability Manager, City of Bad Nauheim, Germany

Paul Vanderstraeten

Project Leader, Brussels Donut, Belgium

Charlotte Wallace

Sustainability Group Manager, City of Glasgow, Scotland

Jo Winterbottom

Senior Research Fellow, University of Glasgow, Scotland

Maisarah Faiesall

Head of Policy, Strategy and Advocacy, Sunway Centre for Planetary Health, Ipoh, Malaysia

Andrew Fanning

Research & Data Analysis Lead at Doughnut Economics Action Lab, and Visiting Researcher at University of Leeds (UK) and University of Cadiz (Spain)

Jayati Ghosh

Professor of Economics at the University of Massachusetts Amherst, USA

Morena Hanbury Lemos

Doctoral candidate in ecological economics at the Autonomous University of Barcelona (ICTA-UAB), Spain

Xi Ji

Associate Professor at the School of Economics at Peking University, and a Senior Research Fellow at the Center for Human and Economic Development Studies

Kate Raworth

Author of Doughnut Economics, DEAL’s co-founder and Conceptual Lead

Julia Steinberger

Professor of Ecological Economics at the University of Lausanne

Erinch Sahan

Doughnut Economics Aciton Lab

Annika Schneider

Purpose Stiftung gGmbH

Curt Lyon

Transform Finance

Nathalie Le Meur

Doughnut Project Manager, City of Grenoble, France

Stefan Persson

Strategic Developer, Municipality of Tomelilla, Sweden

Emma Williamson

Policy Specialist, Cornwall Council, UK

Diane Imbert

Manager, Impact Assessment and Transition, Fabrique d’enterprises de territoire (Valence Romans Agglo), France

Ting Pan

Sustainability Manager, City of Nanaimo, Canada

Deputy Mayor Laurie Foon

Wellington City Council

Councillor Sophie Handford

Kapiti Coast District Council

Teina Boasa-Dean

Ngāi Tūhoe Doughnut Creator

Dr Naomi Pocock

Doughnut Economics Advocate

Kate Meyer

Founder and CEO or Planetary Accounting Network


Junior Policy Analyst, Institute for European Environmental Policy (IEEP) and Research Lead for the project.

Antoine OGER

Research Director, Institute for European Environmental Policy (IEEP) and coordinator of the project

Ssembatya Hikimah

Founder, Visual and creative strategist, participation specialist and climate change activist.

Akatukwatsa Collins

Founder, Aliferous Universe foundation.

Deborah Curtis

Creative director, Imagining UK and Africa.

Jonathan Burnes

Founder, Education for Diversity teacher researcher at Canterbury Christ Church University

Bayigga Eunice Deborah

Lawyer, Beaver Advocates, humanitarian and writer.

Munyanganizi brian

Founder Jaymuart, creative and managing director AVIAS

Tumuhimbise Eric

Teacher, Deputy Head teacher, Rwamwanja, Focal Person for the Mindframes.

Nani Jansen Reventlow

Founder of Systemic Justice, the first Black-led, majority BPOC organisation in Europe working to radically transform how the law works for communities fighting for racial, social and economic justice.

Ink Asher Hemp

(they/them) is a multidisciplinary artist and (trouble) maker, informed by queerness, disability justice, collective imagination and accessibility

Rebecca Lee

(she/her/they/them) Founder of the Universal Recognition Movement | Design Researcher | Visiting Lecturer GSA The School of Innovation & Technology | Equity & Accessibility Lead - DEAL GDDs

Vinishree Solanki

Organiser of Doughnut Economics Scotland Network, with practice in Social Innovation for social impact and Planet-Centered Design

Katy Shields

Post-Growth Economist and Founder, Doughnut Wien

Thomas Røkås

Network Doughnut Economics Norway. Board Member

Arild Vatn

Network Doughnut Economics Norway Board Member

Bjørn Hauger

Network Doughnut Economics Norway. Board Member.

Ellen Sjong

Network Doughnut Economics Norway Leader of the Board

Arne Øgaard

Network Doughnut Economics Norway Board Member

Ellens Stenslie

Board Member, European Society for Ecological Economics

Ross Cathcart

Associate Director / Rethinking Economics International Staff Team

Anusha Chandra

Post-Crash Economics Society

Jacob Rask

Roskilde University and Director of Regenerative Built Environment Network at BLOXHUB

Meenal Srivastava

Professor and coordinator of Political Economy and Global Studies at at Athabasca University

Jenny McGibbon

(she/her) Case Study Contributor UR (Alba Hub) Member | Founder This Thing They Call Recovery | Freelance Graphic Designer | Accessibility Consultant |

Max Phillips

(he/him) Case Study Contributor Universal Recognition Alba Hub Member | Graduate Product Designer | Aspiring Service Designer

Jane Whild

University Administrator

Sheila Thornton

Alaitz Aritza

The California Doughnut Economics Coalition

Julian Kraus-Polk

The California Doughnut Economics Coalition

Della Duncan

The California Doughnut Economics Coalition

Michael Mezzatesta

Special Guest

Helene Malandain

Co-founder of Pocketknife, Social Enterprise World Forum Chair and Doughnut Advocate

Carlota Sanz Ruiz

DEAL’s co-founder and Strategy Lead

Ana Lavaquial

Cofounder Donut Brasil (Rio de Janeiro)

Xavier Veciana

Cofounder Donut Brasil (Salvador)

Roberta Alvarenga

Founder Instituto Repense (Lençóis Paulista)

Elizabeth Bile

Communications Donut Brasil (SãoPaulo)

Simone Catalan

Founder Jogo da Colaboração (Belo Horizonte)

Ana Celina Tiburcio

Founder Organa (São José dos Campos)

Joelma Magela

Founder Catadora de Brilhos (Contagem)

Carolina Escobar Tello

Schools and Education Thematic Lead, Doughnut Economics Action Lab

Peter Lefort

Facilitator of the Doughnut Economics Community of Practice, University of Exeter

Emi Imai

Founder of Boro Doughnut, a community organisation in Middlesbrough

Jemma Luck

Co-founder of Re-Imagine Norwich, community organisation exploring Doughnut Economics in Norwich

YoungSook Park

Founder, Head of Neutinamu Library

Woori Han

Member of Breeze Between Us

Pascal Park

Education Board Game Cooperative / Director / Game Development & Marketing

Sangchul Shin

Songol Surisuri Recycling Center

Kyungmin Lee


Marleen Boersen

Program Manager Education at MasterPeace

Doughnut Revolution

Jayden N, Brandon W, Jason Z, Cindy J, Ethan N (Dulwich College Beijing)

Catherine Ho

Dulwich College Beijing

Vicky Donnelly

Financial Justice; Ireland

Laura Guadiana

iexplore school, Mexico

Brainy Swaibu

Spectrum Secondary School, Kyangwali Refugee Settlement, Uganda

Leonora Grcheva

Doughnut Economics Action Lab

Rok Kranjc

Researcher and artist, Futurescraft

Kim Simpson

Head of Equalities, Diversity & Inclusion at Creative Scotland, and provides strategic leadership for the specialism in support of Creative Scotland’s Strategic Framework

Laura Maria Wallnöfer

Postdoctoral Researcher in Sustainable Transition and member, Doughnut4Wien Initiative

Georgina Hodgkinson

A software engineer and consultant; founder and technical lead for MKDE.

Paul Clarke

Data Analytics Specialist. Demonstrator development lead.

Rob Couch

Founder of MKDE. Portrait and data lead

Valentina Garzón

Economiá, Ambiente y Alternativas al Desarrollo

Dr. Zulqarnain Mohamad

CEO, Ipoh Doughnut Economic Centre

Gayle Dallaston

Regen Brisbane and Shady Lanes Project (Australia)

Ed Morrison

Strategic Doing Institute

Ilektra Kouloumpi

Senior Global Doughnut Expert

Rebecca Cooper

Coordinator ACAN Climate Literacy Working Group

Kasper Guldager Jensen

Co-Founder Home.Earth

Vincent MacDonald

Coordinator ACAN Climate Literacy Working Group

Kristin Strandberg

Cities Strategist, Circle Economy

Matt Philips

(Cornwall Council, Highway Asset Manager), Wessex Live Lab

Stephanie Luz Cordel

Catriona Rawsthorne

Doughnut Economics Researcher, CIVIC SQUARE

Kavita Purohit

Doughnut Economics Co-Lead, CIVIC SQUARE

Frequently Asked Questions

The Doughnut is a proposed goal for economies that is ‘to meet the needs of all within the means of the living planet’.

The Doughnut is a diagram that shows us, visually, how we might think about living in balance with the planet. So imagine a doughnut shape with a hole in the middle:
  • The inner ring shows the essential things people need to live well - like food, water, health, energy, housing, education, voice and equality - that everyone should have.
  • The outer ring shows the limits of how much humanity can harm the planet. These limits include things like climate change, loss of species, and other types of pollution.
  • The goal is to live in the "sweet spot" inside the doughnut, between these two rings, where everyone's needs are met without causing too much harm to the planet. We call space 'the safe and just space for humanity'.

The Doughnut is like a 'thinking framework' that helps us see how connected everything is. By showing us these connections it shows us that we need to work together to live more sustainably.

Find out more at https://doughnuteconomics.org/about-doughnut-economics
Doughnut Economics is a book that was published in 2017 by Kate Raworth. It offers "seven ways to think like a 21st century economist". One way to think about the book is that if the Doughnut is the destination, Doughnut Economics gives us some ideas to help us get there!

Doughnut Economics draws on ideas from lots of different fields. This includes feminist economics that makes visible the unpaid work in the household and in our communities. And ecological economics that shows how deeply dependent the economy is on the living world. It also shows us how the economic thinking we've inherited from the 20th century is based on very limited models of who we are as people and how systems work. It invites us instead to see ourselves, and the systems around us, as far more complex and relational. Doughnut Economics also proposes that we need economies that are regenerative and distributive by design.
Regenerative, so that we come back within the safe limits of the planet. And distributive, so that everyone has access to the things they need to live well. In summary, Doughnut Economics is an invitation to explore an economic mindset that is fit for the ever more complex and rapidly changing world we find ourselves in, in the 21st century.
Doughnut Economics Action Lab, or ‘DEAL’, is an organisation that helps people put the ideas of Doughnut Economics into practice. DEAL was co-founded by Kate Raworth and Carlota Sanz in 2019. In 2020, DEAL launched an online Community Platform to host tools and stories of Doughnut Economics in action. As of 2024, the DEAL Team has 15 paid staff members. The role of the team is to support the needs of the DEAL Community, in line with the Doughnut Principles of Practice. DEAL is part of a wider movement of change working towards a world in which people and planet thrive in balance.

Read more about DEAL and its strategy at https://doughnuteconomics.org/about.
The DEAL Community is the people applying the ideas and tools of Doughnut Economics in their own place, and in their own context, all around the world. This includes in communities, in education, in business, and in government. The home of the DEAL Community is https://doughnuteconomics.org. This is what we call the ‘DEAL Community Platform’.

As of mid-2024, the DEAL Community Platform is made up of nearly 17,000 members in more than 150 countries. Members of the DEAL Community learn as they go, sharing their work and their learnings in the form of tools, stories and events. To date, they have created more than 150 tools, 300 stories, and held nearly 500 events – all with the shared aim of putting the ideas of Doughnut Economics into practice. On the DEAL Community Platform, you can find and connect with people in similar contexts to your own, so that you are supported to take action in the way you want. As such, the DEAL Community is a global peer-to-peer community of inspiration, support and learning. Anyone can join the DEAL Community and all the tools and stories are free to use, so long as you follow the Doughnut Principles of Practice. So join us!
Global Donut Days (GDD) is a multi-day, community-led festival, to be held online and in-person around the world on 6 to 9 November 2024.

GDD 2024 will start with an online day on 6th November to hear from and connect with people around the world taking action on Doughnut Economics. This will be followed by three days for locally organised events from 7th to 9th November to connect with people taking action on Doughnut Economics locally.

The central theme of GDD 2024 is local action, global connection. Through this, we can build a sense that we are all part of a wider story of change. A story that says a different future is possible and it’s popping up everywhere.

There are three main ways for you to participate in GDD 2024:
  1. Register for the online day (on 6th November to hear from inspiring speakers and connect with people around the world taking action on Doughnut Economics.
  2. Search for local events to attend between 7th and 9th November to connect with people taking action on Doughnut Economics locally.
  3. Record a Local Spotlight to build a sense that we are all part of a global story of change.

Head to doughnuteconomics.org/globaldonutdays2024 to find local events and share your own Local Spotlight.
Yes, the sessions will be recorded and available at this site for one month following 6th
November. After that, a number of sessions will be available at the DEAL youtube - timing for those sessions to be uploaded is to be confirmed.
Resources from speakers, groups, networks or organisations that are holding or contributing to the GDD 2024 online day will be shared on the platform. The content and items shared will vary from speaker to speaker - if you have any specific questions or requests when you have reviewed the agenda, you can email us donutdays@doughnuteconomics.org.
You can log in to the GDD 2024 online day on the day of the event - on 6th November. This landing page is available to view up to the event day (6th November), and it will be updated with speakers and programme during October.
This online GDD 2024 space will be available here for one month after event day. You can login anytime after 6th November for one month.
If you have any questions about the content of the event - speakers, agenda or resources, you can email donutdays@doughnuteconomics.org.
If you have any technology questions or getting into the event, you can ask at the support button on the page.